Engage, inspire, and empower the public to conservation action through educational programs with charismatic animals
Provide donations to small, under-funded organizations performing in situ conservation for at-risk and – in particular – keystone animal species worldwide
Manage the funding, care, and
breeding of native birds and the critically endangered Blue-throated Macaw



Vultures face a number of threats, including but not limited to direct and indirect poisoning, habitat loss and fragmentation, habitat degradation, electrocution and collisions with power lines and other infrastructure (wind turbines), as well as reduced availability of natural food sources and direct persecution as well as the illegal harvesting and trade of vultures for belief-based purposes. Some vulture species are threatened with extinction within our lifetime and unless we can halt these declines and mitigate and stop these persistent threats, the consequences of losing our vultures will be catastrophic and far reaching.

Niassa Carnivore Project

Our work is as much about people as it is about lions and other carnivores. If we get the relationships with local people right and resolve any conflicts as they occur, we believe that the lions will eventually look after themselves. Three of the upper management team (Colleen, Hugo and Agostinho) have completed training in “conflict transformation” presented by Conservation Peacebuilding. The skills taught are based on peace-building principles. We have adopted the philosophy that every conflict should be seen as an opportunity for positive change.


Vultures face a number of threats, including but not limited to direct and indirect poisoning, habitat loss and fragmentation, habitat degradation, electrocution and collisions with power lines and other infrastructure (wind turbines), as well as reduced availability of natural food sources and direct persecution as well as the illegal harvesting and trade of vultures for belief-based purposes. Some vulture species are threatened with extinction within our lifetime and unless we can halt these declines and mitigate and stop these persistent threats, the consequences of losing our vultures will be catastrophic and far reaching.

Mabula Ground Hornbill Project

The MGHP is solely dedicated to the conservation of this icon of the savannahs and grasslands. Southern Ground-hornbills are Endangered in southern Africa. Their life-history strategies prevent population recovery under an onslaught of anthropogenic threats. The threats are well understood, and we aim to use innovative approaches to tackle the three greatest threats: persecution, loss of nests and secondary poisoning. As a highly territorial species, with large spatial requirements, conservation outside of protected areas will only succeed territory-by-territory.

The Peregrine Fund

The Peregrine Fund is responding to 21st Century conservation challenges with a new strategic plan based on the conviction of our founders—“we will succeed by using science to inform decisions and by not accepting failure as an option”—so that by the year 2050 we will have helped create a vision of success in which bird of prey populations and their ecosystems thrive; we have enriched the lives of local communities where we work and improved their future; we have earned the reputation and serve as global experts on birds of prey and their conservation; and raptors are valued by all humans.

Tikki Hywood Foundation

The Tikki Hywood Foundation is a non-profit, wildlife orientated organization. It strives to bring recognition, awareness and sustainable conservation action to lesser known endangered species, such as the highly endangered Pangolin. With an expansive view on welfare, policy and legislation for wildlife, we engage with appropriate authorities to effect proactive change for the improved preservation of fauna and flora. Finally, we work towards sustainable and holistic management of ecosystems and their wild resources, to realize our mission statement.

Save Giraffes Now

Save The Giraffes is founded with the mission to guarantee that giraffes are protected and preserved in their natural habitat. To find success, we know connecting and supporting projects, research and other organizations with the same missions and goals will expand our reach at a more rapid pace than trying forging the road on our own. We also realize that there are many facets to nurturing an organization to combat the increasing conservation needs of a species that is fighting a shrinking population with limited knowledge of their demise.

World Parrot Trust

The World Parrot Trust (WPT) is a globally recognised organisation dedicated to the conservation and welfare of parrots. It is a registered charity in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. With a history of successful conservation initiatives and a network of experts and supporters worldwide, WPT has made significant strides in protecting parrots and their habitats. Since its founding in 1989, the Trust has helped more than 80 species of parrots across 45 countries.

Painted Dog Conservation

Painted dogs are one of the most endangered species in the whole of Africa. Fewer than 7,000 painted dogs are left across the entire continent. Painted dogs are native to Africa, and aren’t found in the wild anywhere else on the planet. They live in small pockets across a handful of countries including Zimbabwe, the home of Painted Dog Conservation. There are roughly 700 painted dogs here, and we work with local populations of both humans and dogs—via conservation, education, and outreach programs—to help them not only survive here, but thrive.